While most readers are probably wearing heavy clothing, such as hats, warm jackets and so on, I am freezing as well. The only difference is, that the actual temperature in Taibei is around 20 degrees Celcius right now. Hard to believe, but yeah, it makes me freeze. And certainly wear a jacket.
But let`s move on to more interesting things: after a while of, let`s name it a strike (by giving it that name, I feel some intellectual notion), I am back to put stuff on my beloved blog.
The first input are some pictures from my latest holiday destination, Kending. In the far south of the beautiful island. A really beautiful place, with temperatures around 30 degrees celcius, blue sky, sometimes white clouds, sometimes dark clouds, but no rain.
Riding around on a rented scooter, staying in nice hotels, having a great time with friends.
Ohja, I almost forgot: Before we went to Kending we first stopped by in Gaoxiong (the second largest city of Taiwan, with a large harbour and a lot of industry) for a night. Gaoxiong, though the second largest city of Taiwan, is still a lot smaller than myTaibei. They don`t even have a metro system yet, but are very busy to build it. But the nice climate gives Gaoxiong some advantages you cannot find in Taibei, anyway, here the pics:

The frog mountain, viewed from the Tower in the Kending National Park (墾丁國家公園)

Kending National Park (墾丁國家公園)

Soji and Justin taking a rest, while hiking in the Kending National Park (墾丁國家公園)

The White Sand Beach (白沙灣), close to Kending (墾丁)

The blue sky, with white clouds

Mark (何睦), climbing up a tree in Kending National Park (墾丁國家公園)

Nice picture, right?

Ever seen a dog (on the left) being able to do that move? I was impressed!!!!!

Sunset in Gaoxiong (高雄)

Yeah, after 5,5 h in the train, we reached Gaoxiong (高雄), Nicole, Justin and Harm