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7 May 2006

Subber Meenz! (Deutsch)

So, jetzt is des zumindest schonmal sischer! Die Meenzer Buwe häns geschafft. Und des freit misch, muss ich emol ehrlisch saan. Isch find nähmlisch das die des gudd mache do im Bruchwesch. Es is halt e simbadisch Klübsche do am Rhoi, mid wenisch Geld awwer viel Sschbass und des is gud, vorallem fer die Bundesliga.
Awwer net das ihr misch jetzterd falsch verstehe, gell: Isch winsch mer genauso, dass unser Pälzer Buwe des bei dene Welf schaffe. Anerschd hedde ze de Wolf jo ganert erscht hole misse. Aller, jetzerd drikke mer de Lautrer mol allesamt die Daume und dann
machscht DU, dass die Lautrer gewinne!

Antwerp(en) and G(h)ent (English)

Sometimes you gotta go and have a look around! Yesterday we, Xu Ping, Zhang Liping and I took the chance to travel to the marvellous Belgian cities of Antwerp(en) and G(h)ent.

Both have a very beautiful medieval city centre and a certain character that you don't find in Dutch cities. At least I haven't found it, yet. Everything seems to be a little bit more relaxed, in the positive way, but also in a (maybe) negative way: Streets and not-sights are in quite poor state.
Antwerp(en) is well-known for its harbour, which is one of the largest in Europe.
I will not write anymore about the cities, other people did quite some research and probably a better job than I would do now, below you find some pictures and links, if you want to know more. The only important thing to say is: It was a great day with my Chinese friends and both cities are worth a trip, so go there!

