Yeah, I know, you have been waiting for this since the first post about our trip to Ireland has been online. Now the time has come and I will show you some pictures of our marvelous trip to the Green Island.I have choosen more or less funny details out of the pictures to put on the post, as soon as you click on the picture you will get a complete impression about what it is like!
On the left you can see the beginning of our voyage: To put five people and all their luggage in a small car is not that easy at all, as you can see!
Our enthousiastic an marvelous tourguide in Limerick: Since he was the only one knowing how to get around in the left-hand traffic Thomas could sometimes create an easy noticeable lead! Just like on this picture where he already mastered to cross the road, while we where still trying to figure our way out

Ireland is a great place, the nature is very green, I personally like the fog as well (at least for some time) and the people there are very kind and warm-hearted. As we were not only trying to look at old buildings and the inspirating nature, we choosed to get to know some of the natives better: The language they understood the best was 'beer' and 'football' (or rugby, as you can see on the right)