Dear visitor of this blog!
It is a honour for me to welcome you here! Today is a very special day, for a lot of us. It is December 24, today the last picture of the Adventskalendar from Taiwan will be revealed. I sincerely hope that you have enjoyed the last 23 pictures up until today and that by these means I was able to transport some Taiwanese Christmas feeling all around the globe.
Christmas is a very special day, a day which opens our hearts and minds to see more than just what we see with our eyes. We need to cherish these special days and try to take some of the positive spirit on for the rest of the year.
The best we can do is being open, kind-hearted and friendly throughout the whole year!
I hope that you can enjoy these days and recharge energy after all that stress of all the preparations.
Christmas is a very special day, a day which opens our hearts and minds to see more than just what we see with our eyes. We need to cherish these special days and try to take some of the positive spirit on for the rest of the year.
The best we can do is being open, kind-hearted and friendly throughout the whole year!
I hope that you can enjoy these days and recharge energy after all that stress of all the preparations.
Enjoy picture number 24 and I wish you a Merry Christmas