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2 Jun 2007

Sapa 2 (English)

The second day of the Sapa hiking tour was just as great as the first! The great group of 7 people from various countries and our tour guide were pretty much aware that when we got up at 6.30 AM due to the sounds of the local cocks that the nice temperature then will not last.
And so it was, after a nice breakfast with pancakes (or crepes) the group headed out to discover more little villages, get to know more rice fields and loose another 10 liters of sweat during the day. We were of course followed by the tribe ladies and their children, with their deep desire to sell their handicrafts to us. Most of us resisted their attempts and bought nothing, which let to some curses and unfriendly ladies, who finally left after the 4km trail. Back in the hotel we had the chance to enjoy a nice and refreshing shower, as well as exploring the local market in Sapa!
No it is time to take a rest and get enough energy for the night life as well as tomorrow's hike!