It seems to be like one of these types of weathers were people become depressive and stop doing things or so. But I don`t have that feeling in Taipei. Life just goes on, whether you are sweating in the sub-tropical sun, and freezing in the air-conditioned public buildings or shops, or whether your clothes are just drowned in the rain that has been continuing for the past ours, while you are standing outside doing your job, which is holding an advertisement board. Life just goes on, people here are to busy to waste time by thinking or even complaining about the weather.
Christmas party at my sign-language club
I joined my first Christmas party for this year. At the sign-language club. Really a nice and freaked out group of people. They are so funny and cute, I don`t know how old they are, but some really seem to be 14 or 15 (which is impossible, as they all are university students). They enjoy laughing a lot and playing games.
The groups most outgoing person is 天天 or Sky Sky, that is his name (I have no idea, whether nickname or not), he acted as Santa Clause today and was leading through today`s Christmas party. He did a great and hilarious job. There were two highlights of the party: one was the lucky draw of christmas presents (everyone had to prepare a gift, I rapped some Germany goods in Christmas gift paper), I got chocolate from Turkey, they are supposed to bring luck!
And the second highlight was to sing a song of one`s former Highschool. As we don`t have that I sang a song of our beloved Kurt Dehn (Wann isch keen Pälzer weeer) and could amuse the Taiwanese audience with the flair of my heimat.
This is picture number 21: