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5 Apr 2006

Picture of the day!

A MOF always coming in handy!?! (English)

The well-known Dutch homeworker market Gamma sends us students every week very interesting advertisements. This weeks high-light is the kabelverbindingsMOF (a cable connectingMOF). I was very surprised by the term MOF in this case, since I only know it as a term, which is used to give Germans a downlooking name.
Maybe some of our Dutch readers can explain the connection between the kabelverbindingsMOF and me?

Discover Leiden in German (English)

Recently the University of Leiden published a flyer to make promotion throughout the world in various countries. To make these as authentic as possible the makers asked students from these countries to write a short text about the University of Leiden in their own language. Through some personal connections I was asked to write the German part, just have a look at the result: