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15 Oct 2006

Einige Fotos von der Taiwan Rundreise mit RTI (Deutsch)

Heute gibt es noch eine Ladung Fotos von der Rundreise mit RTI:

Die Chefin der Deutschabteilung bei RTI, Bihui, mit dem Laternenmeister in Langang (蘭港)

Auch nicht schlecht, staunt RTI-Reporter Fabian, als der Vasenverkäufer kurzerhand einen Kreisel auf seine Hand wirft.

Aufgepasst! Hochspannung, in einer der besuchten Sendeanlagen.

Wir verstehen uns, wie alte Freunde sehen wir auf diesem Foto aus, oder? Hier ist der Meister der Lampions in seinem, mit deutschen Reisenden überfüllten Lädchen.

Richtig, und immer hintereinander. So arbeitet es sich am besten und mal lenkt sich nicht gegenseitig ab. Was in der Schule nicht geschadet hat, erweist sich auch in der Sendelage aus erfolgreiches Konzept.

Hörer Bernhard und Bihui wollen es genau wissen, wie die Sendeanlage funktioniert, die Mitarbeiter hatten alle Mühe die viele Fragen zu beantworten.

Auch Gerd staunt nicht schlecht, wie viele Knöpfe man umlegen bis, bis eine Sendung auf der heimischen Kurzwellenanlage zu empfangen ist.

Gute Freunde. Dieser Taiwanese war ebenfalls in unserem Country und Golfhotel in der Nähe von Tainan zu Gast. Neben dem symbolischen Händedruck haben wir auch Geschichten aus dem Leben ausgetauscht.

Tja, man darf doch noch träumen. Fabian hätte gerne mal ein Golfwägelchen gefahren. Aber dazu fehlten Geld und Zeit.

Mundschutz und UV-Regenschirm, ein typischer Anblick im heißen Tainan (台南)

Der Leiter der Sendeanlage bei Tainan (台南) (ganz rechts) hat uns im Hotel seines Bruders untergebracht. Auf dem Foto ist außerdem noch die Frau des Leiters der Sendeanlage zu sehen.

Uuuups, die Ausländer sehen aus der Nähe doch recht groß aus, lieber wieder zurück zu Mama. Zwei kleine Jungs beim Laufen in Tainan (台南).

Ein älterer Herr vor dem ältesten Tempel von Tainan (台南).

Ebenfalls vor einem Tempel, liegt diese Dame ein Mittagsschläfchen zu halten.

Bei der Hitze ist mehr an Kledij kaum nötig, aufgenommen in Tainan (台南).

Hörer Joachim ist ganz stolz auf seine selbstgrpflückte Blume, ob sie es bis nach Karlsruhe zurück schaffen wird?

Was ein Auftritt, Fabian "reitet" auf einer niederländischen Kanone bei Fort Zeelandia.

Und da war es vorbei mit der Besetzung Taiwans. Koxia vertrieb die Niederländischen Kolonialisten im 17. Jhd. Damals wurde Taiwan zum ersten mal Chinesisch.

Dick und Doof? Nein!!!! Klaus und Frank, zwei Hörer die sich äußerlich sehr voneinander unterscheiden, aber doch beide ein Kurzwellenherz im Brustkorb tragen.

Ja, Kultur lohnt sich. Nicht immer nur in intellektueller Hinsicht.

Auch Essen kann Spaß machen, nicht nicht des Essens wegen (extra im schönen Genetiv ausgeschrieben, also nicht: "wegen dem Essen", wie der Dumme Florian das sagen würde)

In dieser Straße wurde ein Attentation in Tainan (台南) auf den Präsidenten Taiwans, Chen Shuibian (陳水扁) durchgeführt. Der Präsident lebt noch, vom Täter fehlt jede Spur.

13 Oct 2006

Small earthquake (English)

We experianced our first small earthquake yesterday. It was very weird situation. 4 people in our room, everyone busy doing different things. All of a sudden the earth began to move. It felt like sitting on a boat. The movements were smooth and slight but for our perception very noticeable. It took us some time to realize that it is an earthquake. Not knowing what to do, expect and how to react we ran to the TV lobby of our dorm. There we met some Taiwanese students, being relaxed as of there was nothing. "Pretty scary an earthquake..." One of the guys told us, smiling at us, while we were staring at him.
Being relieved that the movements had stopped and there seemed to be no need to take further measure we returned to the room and had experianced our first earthquake in Taiwan.

Three bad events - one week (English)

The last week was very hard for me. Although I had a great time travelling around with nice people, seeing new places and trying mysterious things, there were three crucial negative events. I will not write any details, as I believe it is better to not to. I will only give some brief information.
On sunday october 7th, when I was with my new friends from Gaoxiong (高雄) travelling in Hualian (花蓮) and celebrating the Moonfestival (中秋節) together a bad accident happened on the way back.
When we stopped for a break at a rock beach, one of the girls from our group got caught by a so called "wolve wave" and was pulled into the sea. It took some minutes to realize what happened and even more minutes to save her from the sea.
As of I am informed until now, she is in a stable state but has not recovered yet.

The news of two other unbelievable hard and harsh events reached me, when I was travelling with the group of RTI:

The hostfather of one of my classmates here at Shida (師大) in Taipeih died this week, after having suffered from a disease. May he rest in peace.

My university classmate and exchange student colleague Wing Lam was found dead on the bottom of the seaside in Kending (墾丁). There are few words to describe the emotions which have aroused within our group of fellow students.
We can only all wish the best to his family and friends and say that we are there for them, if they need us. May Wing Lam rest in peace.
Here is a link to an online condoleance book, opened by the faculty of Sinology of the University of Leiden in rememberance of our classmate.

12 Oct 2006

Pictures for the moment... (English)

Some pictures from my trips last week.


Celebrating the Moonfestival on the street of Hualian with some strangers who invited us to join them and with my new friend Tiger (not on the picture)

View from the pagodo to the tallest Buddha statue in Taiwan. Located in the Tarako gorge

Closer view of the statue

The Hualian area is known for its beautiful nature with great vagitation

A little temple in the Tarako Gorge


This old person is a Master in the creation and painting of Chinese dragon lampions

The group of listeners and staff of RTI - Radio Taiwan International at a Relais Station in Southern Taiwan.

Two little boys, who were attending and performing the German departement`s 2oth birthday

One native welcoming us at the station

Blue sky, palm trees...Taiwan

6 Oct 2006

中秋節 - Moonfestival - Mondfest (English, Deutsch)

Today is a special day for all Chinese people, wherever they are living right now. It is the day of the Moonfestival. This festival is one of the grand festivals in this region besides the 春節 (Springfestival). Below you can find the information written about the 中秋節 (Moonfestival) as it can be found in Wikipedia.

But anyway:


Wikipedia über das Mondfest auf Deutsch

Wikipedia on the Mid-Autumn Festival in English

2 Oct 2006

Advertisement, billboards, promotion (English)

Taiwanese love shopping, consuming, browsing through overcrowded places to find the best products.
Therefore it is very hard for companies to stick out of the crowd and catch potential customers' attention.
Here are some examples how to get this attention, or how some parts of society charicize that:

Only 30 metres to "The curry of world", or maybe "The world of curry"? Who knows, what they want to emphazise on this bord, hold by a person in the middle of the pedestrian area.

Our good friend Ronald McDonald, "lovin' it to kill you", oh, oh, let's think about it before we go to McDonald's the next time. And any other restaurant as well, he!

"Close" is this an order to guests of this restaurant? Or does it just mean that the owner is in the middle of holding a break, as you may interpret it by looking at the Chinese characters.

Yes, I'm lovin' it! McDonalds promotion campaigns are the best. Cute French fries running around, "badabada ba girlies" with cowboy hats. Let's forget about Ronald above and just get a big, fat and greasy BigMäc! ;-)

Another way to get your records sold: Just get a group of teenagers to hold up billboards with your face on them and make them be very enthousiastic about your music... I wanna have a CD of that singer!!!!!

To prevent your "high-quality promotion ice-cream bun" from smelting, just use delicious paper to make a exclusive copy of your great product!

1 Oct 2006

Buddhist festival (English)

A few days ago I heard some enthousiastic music while I was sitting in my room doing probably nothing very important. First I thought someone living on our floor was listening to music, and did not really pay any attention.
It took a few minutes for me to realize that the sound was coming from the outside and I decided to take a look out of the window. There I saw some people marching in what seemed to be Buddhist costumes. Mark and I decided to go downstairs and have a look:

Buddhism must be fun, as this attractive young lady was part of the ceremony, singing Chinese songs

Although it was a very spiritual happening, the state had to be present to regulate the heavy traffic passing by the ceremony, here the police...

...and here the traffic

chewing betel nuts, is also a good way to get to different spheres

the march as seen from my room...

...and from a perspective a little closer

don't be scared, this is... actually I don't know, who knows it???? Leave a comment?

What is Mark taking pictures of? Maybe a beautiful singer...???