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5 Jan 2007

Do you want to immigrate to the Netherlands? (English)

The Netherlands used to be known as a very open and easy to immigrate country. Things have changed recently and the society as well as the government has made some right turns in recent years.
There are always debates and discussions going on, how to filter "good immigrants" and "bad immigrants".
Now there was a big TV show with an "inburgeringstest" (immigration test). Check out the link (it is in Dutch, speaking Dutch is seen as a basic requirement) and tell me your score. Would you have been able to immigrate to the Netherlands?
I only scored 3,6, not enough...

Hoofd, schouders, knie en teen (English)

What a lucky guy I was. Right time, right place, to film this example of the great power of the Dutch colonization:
They make Japanese sing Dutch songs for children. Isn`t that great and cute????