I am really sorry that I am not adding new posts more frequently on this site!
But I am in fact way too busy right now. So many things to do, to see, to explore and to manage. But except for the weather I really like it her. I feel quite accustomed already, however I was feeling a little sick a few days ago, but my European friends here had similiar problems. So everything seems to be normal, and gone anyway!
My classes will start tomorrow and then my life will finally start to become more organized, I believe.
Ingo is also heading towards Australia tomorrow, which is very sad but some time it had to happen. :-(
Just putting up a few brand-new shots to make you curious...
From top to bottom:
The statue of Chiang Kai-Shek in his memorial hall
The Taiwanese star (shown on the Taiwanese flag), Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall
Me on top of the Taipeih 101
Ingo having a piece of cake in front of the Taipeih Music Hall