It has been a while! But now the time has come to continue with this blog. I will try to start posting on a more regular basis again. And present some highlights from The Netherlands, where I am located right now.
Some things might improve, other might chance, just as you see a new banner and some new and fresh colour in the background...other things might come, but I cannot promise anything.
My start back in Leiden was not the smoothest, finding accommodation here is quite a hassle, but things worked out and I live in a nice room with a Chinese and a Taiwanese flatmate. So my daily language environment still is Chinese here, haha. At least sometimes. Besides my flatmates, I got to know some more Chinese students, who just arrived in Leiden to study Dutch. So I am already surrounded by a lot of nice Chinese people.
And of course my nice class mates from University.
Below you can see some pictures taken during the opening drink organized by the SVS Sinology Student Association, in the Oude Harmonie in Leiden. All drinks and beverages were for free, so there was of course a nice atmosphere. And also a great chance to meet old friends and get to know new people as well.