It did not take a long time for "Cue-Guru Jaap" and "Se Schermään Florian" to make the decision. It was yet time for another breath taking evening of playing pool. Only one thing was missing, opponents which would be able to keep up the good play, but in the end they must certainly not win the game. Via super-spy and undercover research the two Oegstgeestboys decided to get in touch with "Austr0-German Power Falko" and "Relaxed Antje". The meeting points were set, the games could therefore begin!
Jaap took the first shot, full of self-confidence, the look of a winner in his eyes. The match started smoothly, as expected, but suddenly Antje began to show her real abilities. She turned the Cue into a mega-chopstick, and handled it with an elegance that has never been seen before. Her strength was certainly not to chop it hard, but more precies than anyone else. The first round was then the first suprise of the evening. The unability of team Jaap-Flo lead towards the first point gained by Antje-Falko.
1 : 0

The first discussion about changeing teams arouse, but the professional attitude of the people involved let not other decision, than "never change a winning team" being realistic. And in this context the l

oosers had to stay together as well. But Jaap seemed to have misunderstanding about the teams' arrangements. Superficially, he did his best, even using the internationally recognized "grand-ma cue", but in the end his misunderstanding caused him to put in the black ball. The enthousiam of the winning team infected Jaap in such a way that he decided to be on the winner-picture, through this sneaky way he returned the first win onto his own account. Falko and Antje were truly delighted and accepted the first gift of the evening with a feeling of well-being.
2 : 0

The self-confidence of the team Antje-Falko kept on rising and Falko showed sincere improvements on his very own techniques how to kick the ball in his very ass.

Parallel to our fascinating, astonishing and enthralling match, the team of Oranje, the national Dutch football team, was playing against the team of Cameroon. But even this distraction had no influence on the "kügel-einlochen" strategy applied by Falko. He never lost his goal before his eyes, realizing that next to his talented teammate Antje, there was another pillar he could rely on: The "I forgot in which team I am Jaap", who made the impossible thing possible and shot in the black ball for the second time in a row. A collapse which gave team Antje-Falko the nice head-start of
3 : 0

With this lead behind them, team Antje-Falko began to feel superieur. One nice shot followed

the other, and Antje began even to climb on the pool-table. An expression of clear self-confidence and pure control of the match. But there was one thing that they did not take into account: which was the improving form of Jaap-Florian. The balls shot became a lot more precies and hope was coming up in the two special-agents' minds again. Cameroon has just received a red card, and the beautiful girls at table #4 left. All the concentration could therefore be put again on winning the game. The premlimery result NL : Cameroon was at this point 1 : 0. And Jaap-Florian were able to strike back for the first time:
3 : 1
This caused a big boost in the two Oegstgeesters' game and they came back into the match by making the
3 : 2
While Antje-Falko were slightly becoming tired, and loosing accurancy, Jaap began to pull out his best shots ever, and even Florian showed some slight improvements in his play. This in combination with more than one lucky shot made it possible to break the tie to a
3 : 3

But finally all the enthousiam was worth nothing, it took only a couple of shots and once again the black ball hit the bull's eye. But too early, in the wrong hole and therefore a loss.
4 : 3

A nice evening of playing pool at a very high level (at least by some of us), was over again. Two teams, four players and Cup! Have a look at the winning team, behind them you can see the cup they have rightly earned.

(The Netherlands won against Cameroon with 1 : 0, and I tell ya, there were some nice combinations in their game! I hope that the German team can hold the great form from the 7 :0 against the team of Luxemburg until the World-Cup 2006 starts)