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30 Sept 2006

Confucius' Birthday (English)

September 28th is a special day in Taiwan: It is the birtdahy of the great teacher Confucius.
To honor the master there are ceremonies all over the island in various temples which are used to carry forth the tradition of Confucius and his teachings.

Being a good student requires you to get up early, that is why the ceremony starts at 6 AM. Therefore I got up at 4.30 AM that day...a lot of fun, he!?!
I was not the only one having some problems with this early time of the day, but I got up and was there on time.

Early morning in the taxi

To be able to participate we had to sign up and pay $100. We arrived around 5.30 AM, but, speaking about good students, there were a lot more enthousiastic ones around. This means that the temple was already pretty much filled. But we were lucky to find a good spot to observe the ceremony. Some disturbing ordors shall be ignored here.

The ceremony is as, to be expected, very tightly organised and consists of 30 something small parts.

In the centre of the scene are about 40 young boys, dressed in yellow silk robes, holding very long feathers in their hands. On both sides of them stands the orchestra, also only consisting of young people. I believe that there were some girls participating, but the long red silk robe made them all pretty much look a like. The orchestra was only palying wistle instruments, some special kind of flute. Looking at the main building of the temple, there is the main drum located, played by a juveline as well. The drum is the heartbeat of the ceremony, and sets the pace during the orchestral parts, as well when participants of the ceremony have to move.

Participants are welcomed and allowed to enter the scene according to their status. That means that the master of ceremony enters as the very last. This master of ceremony made the biggest impression of me. He was only supervising the ceremony, without any visual emotion or movement. He was litterally not moving during the about 2 hours lasting ceremony, except for entering and leaving.

The master of ceremony is moving towards his place

Parts of the ceremony were for example burying the blood and hair of a sacred bull and sheep, which were slaughterd before the ceremony.

It was a great scene to observe the sincerety of the participants and their strong discipline, very much in the sense of a Confucian sholar.
The public on the other hand, was a typical touristic one. Everyone taking pictures, chatting, making noises and so forth. Nor concentrating, nor participating on the ceremony. Only the symbolic bow to honor Confucius caught everyones attention. You have to bow three times in a row to show your respect.

After the ceremony, teachers were asked to enter the stage and gifts between the mayor of Taipei Mr. Ma Yingjiu (馬英九) and them were exchanged. Meanwhile people were lining up to receive the "wisdom cake" handed in in the mainbuilding of the temple, located directly behind the stage.

Enough wisdom cake for everyone

Besides teachers, good students were also thanked for their effort towards education. The supposingly best students of the best school in Taipei were handed over gifts by the mayer, students of the universities were also praised.

Oooops, putting back the gift for Mr. Ma Yingjiu (馬英九)

The medial coverage was very wide, a lot of photographers, camera teams, TV reporters and radio reporters were spreading the word of the ceremony to their audiences.

As we were standing in line to wait for our "wisdom cake", we were just standing at the bottom of the stairs to the stage, when Mr. Ma Yingjiu (馬英九) wanted to leave the same. Seeing us, he stopped for a second and asked Boukje, were she was from. I then decided quickly to ask him for a picture. Mr. Ma Yingjiu (馬英九) is supposed to be the next president of Taiwan, after the new election round has been held, as of signals can be interpreted by now.

Here we are: Mr. Ma Yingjiu (馬英九), Florian and Mod

The picture was a nice end of a great ceremony and a morning worth getting up at a time, when I am usually in the middle of my REM fase (RapidEyeMovement)...

23 Sept 2006

Zooworld (English)

Very close to our dorm is an animal store located. I have been there a few times by myself and with Ingo, yesterday Ashwin, Harm and Mark came along.
As expected they also enjoyed the animal variety at the Zooworld and became close friends with the little pig:

(click on the picture to see the videos)

Pigstory I

click to see the movie

Pigstory II

click to see the movie

Pigstory III

click to see the movie

Pigstory IV

click to see the movie

Being a student... (English)

... is so much fun, really! You can see a lot of things, you can try and error and no one will be mad at you (at least during class) and you can say what you think during class discussions, without anyone thinking you are weird. Haha, not always, but we can enjoy our situation here very much.
Just have a look at the pictures which I took before and during class, as well as during an examination:







20 Sept 2006

The star of our floor! (English)

He has been introduced earlier. He knows how to imitate Chen Shuibian. And he is different, exaggerating, open minded and very demanding.
He told us that he would be on TV, although we "gave him the impression that we don`t believe him", we were all excited and sat in front of our floors` TV.
And yes, it is true, we saw him on TV in his favourite act, being an entertainer. The other actors are mostly recruited from the Taiwanese version of the Idols-series. It is a (for my eyes) typical Japanese-Taiwanese youth show with a lot of weird expressions and camera ancles. As you can see in the short clip, they also love slow-motion...


PS: After we left to return to our room to study he gave us another great example of Intercultural Communication: As usual we all had headphones put on to listen to our favourite music, Mark was already sleeping, and did not hear the outer-world. Suddenly Harm and I were shocked, stopped breathing and were about to over-react. What had happened? He was suddenly standing in the middle of our room, only wearing a Doraimon towel around his hips, smiling at us and being irritated about our hostile reaction. We told him, still being astonished, that we usually knock at doors before entering. He answered immiately: That's what I did, very hard!. But we did not answer of course, as we were isolating ourself acousticly from the rest of the room. We did not ask you to enter, why would you do it without permission? We asked him. He could not understand us, we could not understand him.
At least he left the room, being very dissapointed that he was shocking us with his presence, although the door was not locked.

18 Sept 2006

Ein paar Eindrücke aus dem Alltag! (Deutsch)

Kein großer Text, einfach nur ein paar schöne Foto's (wie ich finde) von meinen Studienkollegen aus den Niederen Landen.

17 Sept 2006

Taipei steht Kopf (Deutsch)

Chinesen können auch anders und Taiwanesen sowieso. Das läßt sich hier recht schnell feststellen. Im Moment ist ein großer Streit zwischen den "Roten" und den "Grünen" am Gang. Richtig, es handelt sich um politische Auseinandersetzung und zwar ganz im Stile westlicher Verleumdnungskampagnen: Niemand weiß wo es angefangen hat, keiner weiß, wo es hinführen soll. Aber eines steht fest, auf beiden Seiten stehen genug Menschen hinter ihren Führern und schreien sich die Seelen aus dem Leib.
Kurz gesprochen: die einen, die Roten, wollen das der Präsident abtritt und die anderen, die Grünen, wollen das eben nicht.

Was hat das ganze nun mit mir zu tun? Laß ich hier etwa meine Ader des politischen Journalismus sehen? Haha, ganz im Gegenteil: Ich habe mich als unwissender, dummer, ja ignoranter "waiguoren" (also Ausländer) präsentiert. Anstelle eine der vielen politisch korrekten Farben zu wählen, habe ich mich für das Tragen eines knall-roten T-Shirts im traditionellen (Festland-)chinesischen Stil entschieden.
Ganz zur Freude der einen Seite, die begeistert waren, dass ein "waiguoren" ihre Proteste auf eine solch offene Art und Weise unterstützt und zum Schrecken der anderen Seite, die die "waiguoren" wohl eher hinter sich vermutet hätten.

Naja, man kann ja nicht immer alles wissen...

Bericht über die Grünen bei BBC (auf Englisch)

Bericht über die Roten bei BBC (auf Englisch)

12 Sept 2006

First time on air! (English, Deutsch)

Today you will have the first chance to listen to me on air at Radio Taiwan International. My voice was used to dubbed to short interviews about the rally against president Chen Shuibian (陳水扁).
You can find the link to the livestram here at 2100 -2200 UTC and 0600-0700 UTC.


Heute besteht zum ersten Mal die Möglichkeit meine Stimme aus Taiwan über RTI zu hören. Mit diesem Link kommt ihr zum livestream, dieser ist zwischen 21 und 22 Uhr, sowie zwischen 6 und 7 Uhr (deutsche Zeit verfügbar). Es handelt sich noch um nichts großes, ich habe 2 kleine O-Töne von Politikern synchronisiert. Viel Spaß beim Reinhören.

11 Sept 2006

Chen Shuibian (陳水扁) visits the Sushe (宿舍) (English)

It was supposed to be a very calm and normal evening. Putting your headphones on, listening to music and at the meanwhile preparing tomorrow's class.
It could have been like that but Mark decided to guide us toward a special experiance:

Starting very common Mark went to the kitchen to fill up his noodle soup with water, on his way he encountered Ken. They began to chat casually about a variety of topics, Ken was able to make a good impression on Mark. Therefore decided the friendly Dutchman to invite his new Taiwanese friend to come to our room, some time.
As you can imagine some time was very soon, and a few minutes later was the glasswearing Taiwanese knocking at the door. We opened surprised started to chat. After a while Ken told us about himself and his talents, yeah he speaks some Deutsch, sounding quite fluent, and he is an actor. The "mistrusting attitude" of some German living in the room called upon Ken`s pride and honor. He had not only to show us the website of the show he is acting in, put also gave us some appetizers of his abilities.
Just have a look at his performance as President of Taiwan, Chen Shuibian(陳水扁):


10 Sept 2006

高先生请我们吃反 (Deutsch)

Heute wurden die Holländer und ich von meinem guten Freund Herr Gao (wir haben den gleichen chinesischen Nachnamen und sind daher verwandt) nach hause zum Essen eingelanden.
Das Programm bestand erst daraus mit Kater und wenig Schlaf (der ein oder andere von uns), gemeinsam mit Xindi Jiaozi (饺子) zu rollen. Jiaozi sind ein köstliches chinesisches Gericht, Teigtäschchen gefüllt mit Fleisch und Gemüse. Frau Gao hatte die Füllung bereits vorbereitet, sodass wir direkt mit dem rollen beginnen konnten. Wir erwiesen uns dabei nicht nur im traditionellen Stil talentiert, sondern waren auch kreativ genug um eigene Kreationen zu entwerfen. Ob es zu dem angesprochenen großen Geschäft reichen wird bleibt jedoch offen.
Während wir am Rollen waren amüsierten sich die beiden Töchter und 2 ehemaligen Schülerinnen von Herrn Gao mit Gesellschaftsspielen und dem Fernsehprogramm. Niemand der 4 jungen Damen traute sich auch nur einen Blick auf die "Ausländer" zu werfen. So kam es dann auch, dass wir zeitlich getrennt voneinander aßen. Erst nachdem die herrlichen Jiaozi, eine Maissuppe mit Ei darin, das seltsame Dessert und die in Hülle und Fülle aufgetischten Fruchtkörbe beinah leer waren, wurde die erste der beiden Schülerinnen zum Gespräch gezwungen. Rufe ihrerseits lieber fernzusehen verhallten im Nichts, da Herr Gao sich festvorgenommen hatte die Mädels an "Ausländer" zu gewöhnen. Das Gespräch mit Winny (nach Winnie the Pooh, oder Winnie der Poobär) verlief schleppend und sie konnte ihre Schüchternheit bis zum Schluss nicht ablegen. Als ihr dann durch ein Missverständnis der Name "Tiger" (ein guter Freund von Winnie the Pooh)zu gesprochen wurde, flüchtete sie sich endgültig vor das Schutzschild des TVs. Auch Emily war nicht sehr gesprächig, wirkte jedoch weniger aufgeregt. Da dem ausländischen Interrogationsteam die Müdigkeit ins Gesicht geschrieben stand, wurde das "Verhör" dann auch recht zägig zum Ende gebracht.
Obwohl die beiden Damen sehr schüchtern waren bleiben nur beste Erinnerungen an das Hause Gao. Köstliche Mahlzeiten, viel Spass und Gelächter und eine sehr angenehme Atmosphäre trugen zu einem sehr gelungenen Sonntagvormittag bei.

Soji und Xindi auf dem Roller in Richtung Familie Gao (ja, es regnete ein wenig)


9 Sept 2006

Blogs of other students in Taiwan (English, Deutsch)

Even though it might be unbelievable for most people, but it is true: I do not always carry a camera with me. Therefore it can be interesting to have a look what my classmates from Holland put on their webblogs.
Right now there are two links:



Auch wenn die meisten es wahrscheinlich nicht glauben können bin ich nicht immer mit meiner Kamera unterwegs. Darum poste ich hier die links von meinen Studienkollegen und Zimmergenossen
Mark und Harm. Die sind nämlich genauso verrückt wie ich und machen auch ganz viel mit!

Disco @ Lava (English)

Whoever thinks that Taiwanese cannot party should come to Taibei! Ok, I admit I am not a very professional disco-partyhengst, but what I see here is very exquisite. Nice girls, freaky music, hot moves, sex, drugs, but no rock and roll.
Here again Taiwanese are very special, as it seems whatever they do they very enthousiastic about it. One part of the population spends whole days sitting in libraries with too cold airco's to study, while the other part is sleeping or working as salespeople to get ready for the night of extreme partying.
As to the looks: Taiwanese girls are very beautiful, not only a few, but a lot of them. But they tend not to hide their beauty with a lot of clothes.
Most foreigners appreciate this very much and come here to browse around on the meat market to find a nice partner for the night. Propably not longer.
The pictures show the group of people we were with, a lot more clothes, but not lacking any beauty. What do you think?