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9 Sept 2006

Disco @ Lava (English)

Whoever thinks that Taiwanese cannot party should come to Taibei! Ok, I admit I am not a very professional disco-partyhengst, but what I see here is very exquisite. Nice girls, freaky music, hot moves, sex, drugs, but no rock and roll.
Here again Taiwanese are very special, as it seems whatever they do they very enthousiastic about it. One part of the population spends whole days sitting in libraries with too cold airco's to study, while the other part is sleeping or working as salespeople to get ready for the night of extreme partying.
As to the looks: Taiwanese girls are very beautiful, not only a few, but a lot of them. But they tend not to hide their beauty with a lot of clothes.
Most foreigners appreciate this very much and come here to browse around on the meat market to find a nice partner for the night. Propably not longer.
The pictures show the group of people we were with, a lot more clothes, but not lacking any beauty. What do you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They really look great!! Taiwan is really an ideal place for you boys then. hehe, just kidding :)... Is there also legal "RLD" in taiwan like in AMS?