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13 Oct 2006

Three bad events - one week (English)

The last week was very hard for me. Although I had a great time travelling around with nice people, seeing new places and trying mysterious things, there were three crucial negative events. I will not write any details, as I believe it is better to not to. I will only give some brief information.
On sunday october 7th, when I was with my new friends from Gaoxiong (高雄) travelling in Hualian (花蓮) and celebrating the Moonfestival (中秋節) together a bad accident happened on the way back.
When we stopped for a break at a rock beach, one of the girls from our group got caught by a so called "wolve wave" and was pulled into the sea. It took some minutes to realize what happened and even more minutes to save her from the sea.
As of I am informed until now, she is in a stable state but has not recovered yet.

The news of two other unbelievable hard and harsh events reached me, when I was travelling with the group of RTI:

The hostfather of one of my classmates here at Shida (師大) in Taipeih died this week, after having suffered from a disease. May he rest in peace.

My university classmate and exchange student colleague Wing Lam was found dead on the bottom of the seaside in Kending (墾丁). There are few words to describe the emotions which have aroused within our group of fellow students.
We can only all wish the best to his family and friends and say that we are there for them, if they need us. May Wing Lam rest in peace.
Here is a link to an online condoleance book, opened by the faculty of Sinology of the University of Leiden in rememberance of our classmate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great condolence for these two persons! I hope you, Mark,Haarm and Boukje can get through the hard time bravely.It is always harder to the live. Give them my greetings, take care!

PS: Liying is much better now.