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31 May 2007
Vietnam after 4 days and 3 nights (English)
28 May 2007
Hanoi (English)
When I arrived I could not believe that none of the stories seemed to be true. The airport was silent, almost boring, though I really liked the Asian-style architecture of some of the airport buildings there. There were also no Taxi drivers yelling at me, trying to pull me in their car.
I just choosed the next best one and asked him to use the meter. The 30 km ride from the airport to downtown was not very stressful, considering that I am used to some Asian traffic by now. Though I have to admit that you feel and see right away that there is quite a difference between Taipei and Hanoi. The "freeway" was in some parts not completed yet and scooters are allowed to use it (without helmet of course). The whole car traffic is packed to the left lane, as the right lane is occupied by slow two-wheelers.
Entering the city by taxi was a good choice, having windows around you makes it a lot nicer to be around here. Traffic is chaos and everyone honks his car or scooter horn as often as possible.
People here definately look poorer (as expected) and there is a lot more life on the streets. Some really nice Mediterainian feeling, with small bars offering chairs outside to take a rest and have a drink.
My experience so far is that people here a open-minded towards white foreigners, they like it to talk to you. An old man (maybe 70) sat besides me on a bench and told me about his children, in French (colonial influence, which is also captured in the architecture here and makes a lot of buildings look nicer then in Taiwan), and you see a lot of white foreigners walking around (most of them look like properly tanned tourits).
People's spoken English is a lot better in Taiwan, but here they try to speak it with a lot of passion as well.
You get offers at every corner and every minute; people trying to sell you fresh fruit, books or offer you rides on scooters or rikschas.
A book vendor was not satisfied with my offer for his copied version of the Lonely planet and actually threatened me after a while, that I should not meet him again, or he would hit me. That is something I never experienced in Taiwan and the general attitude of vendors here seems to be a lot more aggressive, or desperate.
But my general impression is still positive. I booked two trips out of the city and my hotel's travel agency, totalling about 100 US Dollar for 5 nights and all transportation and accomendation. I hope that the money is properly invested and I will experience a lot of interesting sights with my properly tanned travel mates.
I arrived in Hanoi! (English)
I live in the old city centre and will get to know the area now...
26 May 2007
Vietnam, I am coming (English)
Vietnam must be a very beautiful country with a very friendly population.
My home base will be the capital, Hanoi. From there I will start my discovery of that fascinating country...
"Remodelling" (English)
24 May 2007
Combat the negative stereotype of Germans (English)
In 1983 the German Government, in an effort to combat the negative stereotype of Germans being no fun and too serious created a special 20 year program for recently born babies to make them grow into more fun adults. Recent graduate Mr. Florian Gobel was the 26th baby selected for the program. Dr. Helmut Kohl, the German Chancellor at the time, still speaks of it as his most worthwhile contribution to the German Nation and humanity itself, even topping the destruction of the Berlin Wall, which also occurred during this period. Some might argue otherwise....
21 May 2007
台灣的天空為藍,台灣草地為綠 (中文)
就如這次KmK學生報紙的題目<首次 >„de eerste“對我來講有某種程度上特別的意義。尤其我將要離開我第一次留學的地方。雖然我的記性不是很好,但我仍然希望能分享一些<首次>來台的經驗與想法。
與許多留學生的經驗很像:台灣位於世界知名的國際舞台,大多數的朋友把<在台留學>誤認為<在泰國留學> (荷蘭語之Taiwan 跟 Thailand 發音相似,所以誤會是有可能發生的)。但是荷蘭的同學們大可放心,我認為除了泰國同學以外,在台灣留學應和大多數在其它國家留學之國際學生的經驗差不多。
其實通常一般人<首次>出去玩的經驗將比<首次>上課的經驗早一點,而KMK為有水準的學生報紙,我不才,所以不能直接說到這個話題。在台灣,有很多提供娛樂活動的管道,像台灣24小時的便利商店文化,你可以隨時找到Club、Bar、MTV、KTV...等這類活動的資訊。台灣的Club商家較為開放且發達,中級的Club都提供<喝到飽>的活動,你只要付一次錢,就可以無限暢飲所有酒精類的飲料。更有像荷蘭的Kroeg或Cafe 的地方,而且台灣的辣妹隨處可見,令人無法忽視。
Quiet Taipei (English)
One of them definitely is the Da'an Park (大安森林公園):
Hold your rifle tight...(English)
And what does it mean?
Don't tremble!
Hold your rifle tight and then shoot
Haha, any more explanation needed? Or is it obvious enough about what kind of "rifle" this board is talking about?
19 May 2007
Pitch and Put (English)

Well, sometimes it is time to spend some time in a more sophisticated way. Sometimes it is time to do sports that you cannot do wearing high-heels. Sometimes it is time to shoot the ball beyond the hedge!
Pitch and Put the large version of Mini-Golf for older children with the demand of a lot of fun. This session of Pitch and Put was the first time for most players taking part in our group, which resulted in a collection of funny scenes, a lot of laughter and the conscience that golf becomes more boring, the better you play it. After whole 9 out of 18 we got used to how to play and the hilarious moments of shooting the ball for only 50 cm or not hitting it at all became rare.
Stuugggi isch Möischda! (Deutsch)
Schade, dass Mainz abgestiegen ist und vor allem, dass die Betzebuben es in der Zweiten Liga so schön finden und gar nicht mehr zurück in die deutsche Köngisklasse wollen.