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31 Jul 2007
Zhuhai (English)
Guangzhou (English)
27 Jul 2007
Shenzhen the workbench
The manager of the company showed us around and gave us the chance to try and test their products.
The trip to the company was a nice experience by bus. We had to switch a total of 3 times, both ways, and drove through an uncompleted and extremely growing city. It is amazing how fast things change here. After a road has been finished it might not take long and construction starts again to expand it, to be able to deal with the huge traffic. I think they don't have a rush-hour here, simply because there is no opposite to that term existing. Whatever time of the day, roads are busy and crowded.
26 Jul 2007
Hong Kong, Shenzhen and China (English)
It is not as humid here as it is in Taipei, but there are not as many air-conditioners as on the island, so it still is pretty hot. One great rule (I really mean great) is that air-co's may only cool down to about 28 degrees. Sounds hot, but it is cool and a great measurement to reduce energy waste. The air-co's in Taiwan are so cold that it is almost nicer to stay outside in the humidity.
I am here to visit a friend and I can stay with a family. This is great as it is the opportunity to see more of the real China. Actually Shenzhen is a special place compared to other cities. It really is a melting point of all the different cultures within the great Chinese empire. People
The sphere might be somewhat close to New York or other immigrant cities during the time of maybe the late 19th century, when the US where the place to be for those hoping for a better live and making a fortune by working hard or even being smart. Of course the same downsides can be found here and there, today as well as back then. Quite some crime and a huge gap between poor and rich. But I was told that the actual presence of police officerers every 200m helped to reduce crime in boom-town Shenzhen.
25 Jul 2007
An end to the quietness...(English)
Well, it happened so much that I could barely keep track of it in real live.
The most important news is that I left Taiwan today. It was a quiete heart-aching good-bye and I feel now already how much I enjoyed the time there and how much I am going to miss it.
Currently I am at the Airport of Hong Kong, waiting for my visa to Mainland China, it is just 6 hours of waiting time, so no wories please. Luckily enough is there free wire-less LAN available and I have the right adaptor in my baggage to use Hong Kong enery - that way I can expand my wireless LAN pleasure!
18 Jul 2007
So, 15.7: Mit dem Motorroller durch das Zentralgebirge (Deutsch)
Fabian auf Achse: mit dem Motorroller durch das Zentralgebirge
am Sonntag, den 14. Juli 2007 in "Taiwan Heute"
Sommerzeit ist Ferienzeit. Fabian Roday und Florian Göbel haben sich deshalb wieder auf ihre Motorroller gesetzt und sind in Richtung Süden aufgebrochen. Mehrere landschaftliche Höhepunkte standen auf dem Programm. Fabian und Florian berichten heute vom ersten Teil der Reise: Wie sie von Taipei aufbrechen und dann ohne Benzin in den Bergen des Zentralgebirges liegen bleiben. Am Sonntag, den 14.7.2007 im Sonntagsmagazin in "Fabian auf Achse" | |||
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Bergpanorama | Fabian und Florian | ||
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Trotz Regen guter Dinge: Fabian und Florian | |||
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Erster Nachmittag |
Fabian auf Achse: Auf dem Nachtmarkt zur "kleinen Nachtmahlzeit" (Deutsch)
am Sonntag, den 1. Juli 2007
mit Fabian Roday und Florian Göbel
Foto Tourismusbüro Taiwan: auf den Nachtmärkten ist die Auswahl groß, um den "kleinen Hunger" spät abends zu stillen |
Heute ist Fabian wieder einmal "auf Achse", diesmal geht es allerdings weniger um eine abenteuerliche Reise zu den landschaftlichen Schönheiten Taiwans. Fabian stellt zusammen mit Florian eine Spezialität in Taiwan vor, die sogenannte "kleine Nachtmahlzeit". Dazu haben sich die beiden Feinschmecker auf einen der vielen Nachtmärkte in Taipei begeben und sind den Essgewohnheiten der Taiwaner zu später Stunde nachgegangen. Diesen Beitrag senden wir am Sonntag, den 1. Juli 2007 in "Taiwan Heute".
14 Jul 2007
Gaelic Football (English)
Gaelic Football training across the full pitch.
Gaelic Football is a mixture of soccer (or football) and rugby. You are allowed to kick the ball, but also to pick it up. When you have the ball in your hands you must pass it by fisting. You get points for scoring above the goal post. The is no kick off point as there is in soccer and players stick to their position on the field and the man they are covering a lot more then in that sport.
Actually everyone is covering a player, whether offence or defence. It is rougher then soccer, but not as rough as rugby looks (I never played it myself, so I don't really know).
It was a lot of fun to play with these, definitely to some extent crazy Irish people and their fellows from other English speaking countries.We were also very lucky with the weather here in Taipei, no rain, no sun and about 24 degrees. Perfect to run around on the pitch.
PS: The team I played with are the famous Taiwan Gaelic Footballers, who recently won the Asian Cup in Singapore. Congratulations!
12 Jul 2007
《施氏食獅史》 (中文)
石室詩士施氏, 嗜獅, 誓食十獅。
十時, 適十獅適市。
是時, 適施氏適市。
氏視是十獅, 恃矢勢, 使是十獅逝世。
氏拾是十獅屍, 適石室。
石室濕, 氏使侍拭石室。
石室拭, 氏始試食是十獅。
食時, 始識是十獅, 實十石獅屍。
跳转到: 导航, 搜索
Bijbaantje (Nederlands)
Klopt! Je hebt een bijbaantje nodig! Harm ging dus vandaag even stage lopen als flyer-verdeler. Het was wel een gezicht voor de mensen in het Ximending (西門町) winkel gebied.
Hoewel Harm voor dit keer 10 flyer verdelen nog geen centje kreeg deed hij dat al zeer goed en met groet succes. Binnen de tijd van de video onderaan waren alle flyer verdeelt!
Dus er bestaan beste kansen voor Harm!
Waiting (English)
Waiting means, that what you want to do cannot be done right now.
We do have to wait a lot of times during our lives.
Waiting can put a lot of stress on us. Waiting can be very relaxing too.
We can wait for good things, that we think it is worthwhile waiting for;
we can wait for things that we don't actually want to wait for.
Another thing that need a lot of training and repetition is dancing! A young man showed us today in the MRT in Taipei that waiting for the MRT does indeed not need to be a waste of time....
10 Jul 2007
5 day scooter tour: 合歡山 (English)
As introduced earlier part of our professional equipment was my newly bought Asus Laptop and a copy of Fifa 07, so we combined both things and tried to play the game on the peak of the mountain. But the bright sunlight made it kind of hard, so we had to cancel that plan. But we had the chance to find a special bird, a species which appears to be very rare in Taiwan.
After climbing back to reach our scooters yet again, we headed towards the next destination. The famous and romantic Sun Moon Lake or 日月潭. A place all Taiwanese couples fancy to go.
We were amazingly lucky and found a nice room (the last one in the hotel), with flat-screen TV, and nice equipment just before the heavy rain started.
The night was filled with dinner, SPA and FIFA.
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Hehuan Mountain |
9 Jul 2007
5 day scooter tour: Day One (English)
This time only Fabian "Atze Tiger vom Kiez" und Florian "Paelzer Atze" were daring the challenge.
The equipment:
- 2 x 125 CC scooter from Taiwanese brands.
- 2 x brand name backpacks
- 1x Panasonic Lumix FZ 30
- 1x Nikon Digital Camera
- 1x Asus A8Js
- 2x Joypad
- 1x Fifa 07 (original version)
- X x a lot of other stuff
The tour of our lives guided us through mountain roads, clouds, some of the highest mountain peaks in Taiwan, tropical heat, and a lot of kilometres on the road.
The first day was about leaving Taipei during the beginning of a monsoon phase and gaining kilometres, leaving Fuxing (復興) and other cities behind us. The rain and the sudden drop of temperature made it hard to start of with our tour.
The sudden lack of gas and the early closing time of the local gas station made us stop in a mountain village in a local 民宿 a kind of pension with nice little rats walking on the ceiling of our room.
We still had a chance to get to know the local people and the Filipino house keeper Lisa aka "Pugi" of our host.
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Erster Tag Scooter Tour |
打屁股 (English)
A game played with dices, where one person starts to roll the dices and checks out the amount shown secretly. After that every player of the game has to say a number or give the command to go back or pass. The one who finally says the number which is shown by the dices will be hit on her or his bum. If the hitter hits not hard enough, the tides change and the positions of hitter and victim change. A great game for those with rather special interests, especially in the combination with alcohol.
Annelies, I hope the marks on your bum shall remind you of the great fun we had here in Taiwan with you!
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打屁股 |
1 Jul 2007
Nieuws vanaf het dak (Nederlands)
Als wij op het dak gaan, dan gaat meestal ook een lekkere portie bier en enkele zakjes chips mee. Met een aangenaam weertje (niet te heet of benauwd, en geen regen) is het dak inderdaad de leukste plek van ons dorm. De uitzicht is uitstekend en de rust verfrissend.
Ook is er ruimte voor het een of ander leuk gesprek, en zeker een toplocatie om onze gast uit het verre Beijing een bijzonder sfeer van ons Taipei te laten beleven.