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31 Jul 2007

Zhuhai (English)

This city or is it a village? Well, whatever. It is nice here. Not so big, not so busy. But you have all you need. Zhuhai is another 2 hours by bus away of Guangzhou in the direction South. It is a harbour city with connections to Macao and Hong Kong.
I will fly to Shanghai from the local airport here tomorrow and will spend the night here.
I walked around downtown for a while today and made some interesting discoveries. First off all, they do have a pedestrian area here. You know what that is, right? No cars allowd on the road, and little cafes or shops in the middle of the street. But yet different from a nightmarket in Taiwan, as the roads are broader and there are trees. A really unique discovery for me in China until now. The pedestrian area actually reminds me a lot of German cities, yet a lot more lively and noisy.
Zhuhai is also a paradies for people from Hong Kong and Macao, as there are good connections to the two cities and prices are a lot cheaper then there. Prices for what? Well, I got a massage, they washed my head, haircut and beard cut for 25 yuan, that is about 2,5 Euro. One hour massage? How about 30 yuan. A meal for one person, don't think you would need to pay more then 20 yuan.
And there is another attraction, interesting for mostly the male visitors with certain desires. I cannot talk about prices, as I did not more then getting name cards from attractive young women, but as I have been told....a forget it.

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