The most expensive brand name world-wide, also well-known in China - ENJOY!

Another very famous product from another famous brand - unlucky us, this product cannot be ENJOYed as often as we might wish to. (Porsche in Shanghai)

和谐号 - Harmony a very important goal for the Chinese government to reach for the Chinese society. With this train they are on a good way. 330 km/h from Shanghai to Suzhou! Worthwile being ENJOYed!

From the mud underneath the water, through the root, grown to be the most beautiful flower of the Chinese perception. The famous and most ENJOYable lotus flower. Is the lotus also a symbol for the development of mankind?

外国人! A foreigner in Shanghai. A great sight, at least for me, as he is ENJOYing his bread while riding a bike.

ENJOYing a cigarette? Neighbourhood watchers in Shanghai. What a great life...

'Which one safes on gas?' A taff question for the growing Chinese economy and the new wealthy class. Why should they safe on resources, while others used to and still spoil a lot of resources? Don't we all just want to ENJOY life!

Metro in Shanghai, the best way to ENJOY modern city life's traffic.

Another shot of the Metro in Shanghai. High-speed for a better future.

Thinking about a lot of things going on around him? A man standing besides the road in Shenzhen.

Anyone ever seen that font type? I don't think so, and even if any Western company has a patent on that font type, didn't your forebears colonize China and steal a lot of wisdom through the force of violence?

China is moving fast. Not everyone is moving at the same pace, but the direction is set: Straight ahead into a better future for the next generation.

ENJOYing the sun in Zhuhai. But why do you protect your skin from these UV-rays? So uncool! Don't all of you want to be nice and tanned as your Western idols are? Stop caring about things like health...

Here we are, some stars, but no stripes! Does China make a difference?
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