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7 Jun 2008

Invest in China! Really no news...

...as you can find out on the webpage http://www.china-institut.org/gedanken-zum-heute/sparbuechse.htm, there was a China-boom, before we thought about China's boom for the past years:

"Jetzt habe ich soviel Geld in das verfluchte Ding hineingeschmissen, und es kommt nichts heraus!" [Early frustration of a German investor in China: "I have put so much money in that damn thing, and nothing comes out of it!"]

(Der chinesische Automat, Karikatur von Th. Heine, Simplicissimus, 1901, aus: Thomas Brandt, Asia in those Days - A Glimpse Into the Past)

Dazu muß man wissen, was die Studie China and the World Financial Markets 1870-1930 (Yale School of Management), kürzlich herausfand:

Early in the 20th Century, China was one of the hottest emerging markets for global investment. One estimate of total foreign capital invested in China in 1938 put it at $2.5 billion, third behind India and Argentina ... and not dramatically less than the $7 billion of foreign investment in the United States at the time.

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