You might personally know that problem: Sometimes you start things and everything seems to work out fine and all of a sudden you get distracted by several things, this could be your sourroundings, too much work or simple lazyness.
I got distracted, my Adventskalender-qi (氣) was not in order...something must have gone totally wrong that I stopped the regularity of adding new pictures.
Now I will post one big post with the necessary pictures and HOPE, certainly not PROMISE to be able to put the next pictures a bit faster online.
But my archive of ChristmasinTaipei pictures starts to run out. I haven`t been on the road with my camera for a few days, maybe weeks.
But today seems actually be a great chance to go out and make some shots, as it is the first nice (晴朗) Weather since about 1,5 weeks of rain.
Perfume, das Parfüm, 香水
Before starting loading up the pictures, I will tell you some other nice and intersting thing: I went to see another movie, this time Perfume, das Parfüm, 香水 is it already in your favourite movie theatre?
The movie has still no lable in my moviecritisim part of my brain. There are some things about it which impressed me. These are: 18th century France (and Europe) was dirty, there is no need to show it in perfect state and shining and glowing people walking down the streets...and that is exactly what they are not doing in the film. As the whole story is about smelling and smells it would have been very interesting to have watched it in a 4D-movie theatre with additional odors.
The other impressive thing was that the story is about a murderer, what do we usually associate with this kind of people? Hatred, misunderstanding, the urdge to strike back... nothing of this happened to me while watching Jean-Baptiste working on his evil and sick plan to kill 13 (?) beautiful girls to preserve their smell. The mainactor made the public understand that there is no other way for this guy to live, then fulfilling his obsession.
The downpoints of the movie were: What a weird ending? Strange happenings during the planned execution in Grasse (?). The perfume created by Jean-Baptiste developed his magic to calm down the people`s lust of murder and execution, even the fathers of the killed ladies start to make love to each other and see Jean-Baptiste as their own flesh and blood.
The last scene, Jean-Baptiste returning to his place of birth, a smelly and stinking fish market, where he opens the perfurme for a third and last time and then gets killed through the love of the people standing on the market. All being affected by the magical smell. He got killed by love and was born "while the mother was selling fish" and without love. What an ending...maybe I start to like it now.
I got distracted, my Adventskalender-qi (氣) was not in order...something must have gone totally wrong that I stopped the regularity of adding new pictures.
Now I will post one big post with the necessary pictures and HOPE, certainly not PROMISE to be able to put the next pictures a bit faster online.
But my archive of ChristmasinTaipei pictures starts to run out. I haven`t been on the road with my camera for a few days, maybe weeks.
But today seems actually be a great chance to go out and make some shots, as it is the first nice (晴朗) Weather since about 1,5 weeks of rain.
Perfume, das Parfüm, 香水
Before starting loading up the pictures, I will tell you some other nice and intersting thing: I went to see another movie, this time Perfume, das Parfüm, 香水 is it already in your favourite movie theatre?
The movie has still no lable in my moviecritisim part of my brain. There are some things about it which impressed me. These are: 18th century France (and Europe) was dirty, there is no need to show it in perfect state and shining and glowing people walking down the streets...and that is exactly what they are not doing in the film. As the whole story is about smelling and smells it would have been very interesting to have watched it in a 4D-movie theatre with additional odors.
The other impressive thing was that the story is about a murderer, what do we usually associate with this kind of people? Hatred, misunderstanding, the urdge to strike back... nothing of this happened to me while watching Jean-Baptiste working on his evil and sick plan to kill 13 (?) beautiful girls to preserve their smell. The mainactor made the public understand that there is no other way for this guy to live, then fulfilling his obsession.
The downpoints of the movie were: What a weird ending? Strange happenings during the planned execution in Grasse (?). The perfume created by Jean-Baptiste developed his magic to calm down the people`s lust of murder and execution, even the fathers of the killed ladies start to make love to each other and see Jean-Baptiste as their own flesh and blood.
The last scene, Jean-Baptiste returning to his place of birth, a smelly and stinking fish market, where he opens the perfurme for a third and last time and then gets killed through the love of the people standing on the market. All being affected by the magical smell. He got killed by love and was born "while the mother was selling fish" and without love. What an ending...maybe I start to like it now.
Picture number 13
Yes, you see a lot of them around in Taipei right now. Every store does not only have Christmas decoration, no the employees are also dressed as little Santas and his sisters...
Picture number 14
Close-up of the Christmas tree in front of Taipei 101. Why do Taiwanese decorate the whole city in Christmas fashion? I have no idea, no one can give me the answer. Except that it is cool and trendy, as well a good for business.... So is there a difference between Christmas in Taiwan and elsewhere in the world?
Picture number 15
It can only become better, and it will! This is our little cute Christmas tree in my new apartment. I am not responsible for the Christmas decoration, my Japanese housemates do that....
Picture number 16
Santa in his bus again. To make it easier to follow his track he shows his destination of gift delivery, this time to "Taipei 101" and for "free". Of course Santa, we ain`t paying for our gifts, that is why we like you so much!
Picture number 17
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